Election Commission Still Awaits Funds as Supreme Court Deadline Expires

Kabir Khan
3 min readApr 11, 2023


Election Commission Still Awaits Funds as Supreme Court Deadline Expires

The Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) is still waiting for funds to conduct elections in Punjab, despite the deadline set by the Supreme Court having expired. The government was ordered to give the ECP PKR 21 billion to carry out the elections, but the amount has not been released yet.

Meanwhile, the Finance Minister Ishaq Dar presented the money bill related to the election expenses in the National Assembly, which was then referred to the Standing Committee. This has left the ECP in a difficult position, as they have already announced the schedule for the upcoming elections, but are yet to receive the necessary funds.

The delay in the release of funds has led to concerns about the ECP’s ability to conduct free and fair elections. The opposition parties have accused the government of deliberately delaying the release of funds in order to influence the outcome of the elections.

Speaking on the issue, the Federal Minister of Finance Ishaq Dar has cited the current economic situation of the country as the reason for the delay in releasing the funds. He has also called the election unsuitable for Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The delay in the release of funds has also raised questions about the government’s commitment to democracy and its willingness to ensure free and fair elections. The ECP has urged the government to release the funds as soon as possible to ensure that the elections are conducted smoothly and without any hiccups.

The opposition parties have expressed their concern over the delay in the release of funds, with some accusing the government of deliberately trying to sabotage the election process. The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has been particularly vocal in its criticism of the government’s handling of the situation, accusing it of trying to bankrupt the country and spread chaos.

The situation has also led to anti-government protests in some parts of the country, with people demanding that the government release the funds immediately. The delay has also given rise to speculation about the government’s motives and intentions, with some accusing it of trying to manipulate the election process in its favor.

The standing committee entrusted with overseeing the elections has urged the government to release the funds as soon as possible and to ensure that the elections are held simultaneously across the country. This would help to minimize any potential discrepancies and ensure that the election process is fair and transparent.

In conclusion, the delay in releasing funds for the upcoming elections has raised concerns about the government’s commitment to democracy and its willingness to ensure free and fair elections. The opposition parties have accused the government of deliberately trying to influence the outcome of the elections, while the ECP has urged the government to release the funds as soon as possible. The situation remains tense, with protests and demonstrations continuing in some parts of the country. It is important that the government takes swift action to ensure that the elections are conducted smoothly and without any hiccups.

Originally published at https://kabirnews4u.blogspot.com.

